Wednesday, October 17, 2012

no mothertrucking clue.

"HOLY CRAP WE'RE DIFFERENT NOW! - My lovely 'sister' I've known forever. Also known as FunSize.

On a different note, I took the PSAT's today.

On a note just above the other, I got my school picture proof back today! And it LOOKS NICE!

On a note an octave lower than that, I have a writing/blogging Identity Problem.
-I cannot seem how my blog is going to be, like:
Diary form, lists, rants, daily life, fashion, pictures, feelings and shit, my deepest darkest secrets, etc.

On a C note, (I know, its getting old) I don't know why, but even though I was testing for three hours and didn't sleep well and had to do math and it wasn't the greatest day, I am happy. Why? No mothertrucking clue.

On a long, high pitched ending note, am I the only one that puts my iTunes on shuffle and halfway through the song realize "What. The Fuck. Am I. Listening. To?!"
That just happened. Several times. Seriously. Polka just came on...?

So, time to attempt to get civics and an essay done.

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