Not the 'could anything get worse than this?' Kind of crappy day, but the 'I don't feel like doing anything today and I have to do a lot but I cannot do the one thing I want to do today.' Yeah.
I think I'm also tired. From staying up to, ya know, one in the morning...
My mom was all stressin' about stuff yesterday and today, so she totally blew me off when I tried to tell her about me reading Poe and when I tried to read her my short response essay, which I'm pretty damn proud of. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it was even worse because she ignored me BOTH TIMES because my brother started talking to her, and we all know he take mothertrucking priority ALL THE TIME. And my mom doesn't even notice anymore.
What happened to being the spoiled baby of the family?
So the ONE THING I was wanting to do today was practice for my divers test which I can take in two weeks, so I texted my dad right after school and asked him, an apparently he tried to call me so he could 'make plans' for his evening, so since I didn't pick up he just ASSUMED I didn't want to, even though I didn't answer my cell because I was doing math and I left my phone in my bag so I wouldn't get distracted. So I asked my sister, and she said she would take me after I got my math and history done, so I cranked it out, motivated by the fact that I could FINALLY go driving and get some much needed practice, and we go out to the car and the fucking battery doesn't fucking work anymore.
Just my luck. So I rushed to get my homework done for now freaking reason, and I just feel crappy now.
I just wanted to do ONE thing... Annnnd on top of that my mom refuses to let me schedule a road test yet because she "doesn't have time to think about it right now." So what the fuck, am I just not going to get my license? ME GETTING IT WILL SAVE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME! Seriously.
So yeah, raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage. Sorry about the rant, but it's all freaking true.
And whoohooo, I also get to take the PSAT's tomorrow. At 8:30 in the morning. Yaaaaaay...
I hope your day was 10x better than mine.
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