Thursday, October 4, 2012


So I raced at state this week! Let me just say:
I got past that pain wall I've been getting stuck behind all season. (I got pushed once and I got kicked with spikes in the calf and didn't notice. At all.) I pushed past all the other girls (except one) to get second place. By less. Than. A. Second. It was crazy! I turned into this crazy runner person who shoves past people and bleeds and doesn't notice. Like a boss. But I also got to see some friends! It was ahh-mazing. I got to see some old besties that just moved out of my hometown, a family that used to live here once upon a time, my friends from my trip to Canada, and some running buddies. Talk about a great trip! I felt so cool knowing so many people. :]

So I got complimented about my style today! Thank you random sweet girl.:)
I was talking to my friend and she was standing there too (mind you, my school is very small so there aren't very many people's names I don't know...) and she told me "Wow, you always have the cutest outfits!"
I'm glad I don't look crazy! I've been a little more courageous lately about my style.
I feel like I've been pretty blazé about guys lately... It's kind of whatever, I guess. Rosa Don't Need No Man;) Sike, I love being close to guys, but it's just sooo much work. For reals. And there's the ol' gossip mill of the school. So yeah.

Soooooo tomorrow I turn 16! Actually, I'm not too pumped. It's kind of whatever. I mean I don't hate it, but I'm not like "ZOMG IT'S MY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE BOW DOWN TO ME AND I'M GONNA PARTY ALL NIGHT CAUSE IT'S MY BIRTHDAY WOOO SWEET 16!!!" ...Or something like that...

But it'll be fun, I'm having a movie night with some gals tomorrow and my friend is going to spend the night at my house and we're gonna be all "EAT ALL THE CANDY" Now that the season's done, and then Saturday my other friend is taking me out to dinner with another group of friends I have.

Anyways, tooodle-looo!

P.S., tomorrow is compliment a stranger day. Do it.
I left sticky notes on the girls' bathroom mirrors saying stuff like "you are gorgeous." and "own it" and "you look great today =)" and "you got this."   :)

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