I think I've come to terms with being average.
I mean, it's not too bad,
besides the friendzoning,
being overlooked, not
having too much of a
choice in dudes, being
unsure of myself, not
feeling too remarkable
and whatnot.
Who am I kidding?
It kinda sucks in some ways, but
not all.
I mean,
Friendships don't get messed up,
I am not suck hanging around
with snooty people all the time, I
can be a bro with my guy friends,
I stay out of trouble, I don't care
if I join nerdy groups, I don't fear
having a bad hair day because no
one notices.
It's got it's ups and downs, but heck. I cannot really change anything.
And hey, I'm not average at everything. I'm not average at running,
skiing, snowshoeing, multi-tasking, being someone to vent to/
shoulder to lean on & working hard.