There has been SO much going on this last month! So, a run down:
WMO: Still sick, placed 2nd both days. Super fun otherwise, other then coughing so hard one night I puked.
WISA: Second place the first day only EIGHTEEN SECONDS behind TheLady-_-, and fourth for the biathlon...Not my best race. But next year I'm going to go at it hard, skiing on my off days, doing ab and arm work, etc. And this summer I am going to shoot lots!
I've also been helping with the ADORABLE fourth graders, and it makes me super happy how excited they are about skiing.
After I got back from Galena the following week I had HSGQE's, which were a bundle of joy... NOT. It helped me realize how far behind I still am for math, yikes. But yeah, those were long and grueling.
And THEN, I have been attending Youth Court meetings, and staff mettings for JROTC. I have had SO much work to do because I fell very very behind when I missed all those meetings for ski practices, and our super important formal inspection is Tuesday.
Annnd, on top of that, I've had to write an essay and fill out an application for National Honor Society. But I got accepted!
In my very near future I get to look forward to memorizing a pledge, going to NHS practices, and studying for my permit test! Oh dear.
So in short, life has been crazy.
So up at the emotional front, I've been having to deal with bad hair days, pimples, and grandma that had a heart attack. I spent one night crying myself to sleep. Not a fun night.
I can't help but feel very average lately. Maybe guys don't dig me because I'm not easy? 'Cause I don't flirt with everyone I see? Because I'm ugly? Because I don't show my boobs? Because I friendzone people? I wanna shout in their faces that if they like me, JUST GET THE GUTS TO TELL ME. Goodness.
P.S., here are some pictures!

Well, goodnight. Or morning, whatever floats your boat.
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