So.. the 31 day music challenge. In one day.
Day 1 - A song that’s stuck in your head right now
Shake Senora- Pitbull
Day 2 - A song that always makes you happy
All Want Is You- Barry Louis Ploisar
Day 3 - A song that makes you want to cry
Cancer- My Chemical Romance
Day 4 - A song you listen to when you’re pissed
Gravity Rides Everything- Modest Mouse
Day 5 - A song that would not be appropriate at church
Church- T-Pain
Day 6 - Your favorite Disney song
Be Our Guest- The Beauty and the Beast
Day 7- A song you wish was never made and want to DESTROY!!
Boyfriend- JB
Day 8 - A song that isn’t well known, but should be known by the world
None Shall Pass- Aesop Rock
Day 9 - A song your parents play that always gets on your nerves
Nothing, my parents work at a radio station. They're coo.
Day 10 - A song with an amazing music video
Cancer again. -My Chemical Romance
Day 11 - The song that relates the most to your life right now
You Could Be Happy- Snow Patrol
Day 12 - A song you would like to learn how to play on instruments
Fire- Augustana
Day 13 - Your favorite TV theme song
Secret- Peirces
Day 14 - The song with the worst lyrics
Friday- Rebcca Black
Day 15 - The song with the best lyrics
The Times They Are A-Changin'- Bob Dylan
Day 16 - A song you would like to dedicate to someone you HATE ;)
Your Name Here- Atmosphere
Day 17 - A song that never gets old
Ballad of a Politition
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
I Kissed a Girl- Katy Perry
Day 19 - The most beautiful song
Canon in D
Day 20 - A song with TERRIBLE singing
Any of Niki Minaj's.
Day 21 - The best love song
Our Song- Taylor Swift
Day 22 - DOUBLE DAY! Pick TWO songs that showcase your variety in music. Pick one song that shows the lightest music you like, and the heaviest.
Darkest: Who I'll Never Be- Atmosphere; lightest: Pumped Up Kicks- Foster The People
Day 23 - A song that you would want a guy or girl to play/sing for you
Fix You- Coldplay
Day 24 - A song in another language
Stariy Pidjak- Regina Spektor
Day 25 - A song that brings back memories
E.T.- Katy Perry
Day 26 - The cheesiest song EVER.
Call Me Maybe- Carly Rae Jepson
Day 27 - A song by the artist you think is the most talented
The Party- Regina Spektor
Day 28 - Your guilty pleasure song
Whistle- Flo Rida
Day 29 - A song that makes you horny O.o
awkward, Sexyback? Justin Timberlake?
Day 30 - A song by an artist you think is HOT!!
Flight of the Conchords...JUST KIDDING.
Day 31 - Last day! FREE CHOICE. Pick a favorite song! :D
Canon in D.