Wednesday, May 15, 2013

oh, PROM.

Ah yes, the perpetually talked about cliche subject that is a favorite of every single high schooler in existence in April and May. "What does your dress look like?" "Who are you going with?" "How are you doing your hair??" "What are you doing before prom?
It kind of gets old.
Don't get me wrong, I mean, great for the people that are SO into dinners and dresses and heels and stuff, but honestly, I'm not super into that stuff.
I just love to dance. And I mean, I LOVE to dance. I really do.
I just don't like the aspect where you have to wear an uncomfortable dress allll night, the awkward "Going with a date" thing, taking pictures, doing your hair all fancy and the pre-and-after parties.
Everyone LOVES to use it as an excuse to just get trashed out of town or to get laid.
If you haven't gathered already, I'm not super into that.
Well, to say the least all the hype got me pretty stoked for Friday night, and my expectations were pretty high.
I was a little disappointed.
For pre-prom dinner I went over to my friends house and awkwardly sat around for two hours, and then we went over to the place where the dance was being held.
Dancing was pretty fun, mostly because I love dancing, but then everyone dances in the tight tight circles that you slowly move out of and then your just awkwardly outside of it, dancing by yourself. Which Is why I usually made a different circle and included the more odd kids. And then also the DJ sucked and replayed four different songs and only played 5 slow dances in the four hours I was there.
After prom all the freshman had their own little group and I wasn't really invited to anything that wasn't drinking out of town so Texas spent the night at my house and that was pretty fun, but still, not the same and a non-drinking after party.
So yeah, yay silly high schoolers.
I still had some fun though, it just was not the greatest night of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Prom is even more... awkward I guess, if you're not into dancing (like me). Good thing that Dutch proms differ so much from American proms. It's just a party for the graduates out here, so I couldn't go with my friends. It made me sad, because it was held in the same place where I met my friends at the start of the year.
    I'd end up on a non-drinking party too, but people would give me some chocolate. That has almost the same effect on me :P
